Although the facial type of every man is determined by the actual position and overall prominence of their facial bones, and there are traditionally seven different facial types, a large majority of men have square face shapes.
Even males who start life with rounded face shapes still have a lot of that square influence left in their facial planes. Women often are described as having a heart shaped face. The heart shape, which is similar to the triangular shape, is definitely a more feminine designation. Even more importantly, men and women have different hormonal compositions and bone structures and thus while women will have softer features, generally speaking, men will have more pronounced shapes.
Why does anyone care about face shape? Face shape is the baseline for determining the most flattering cut, hairstyle and coloring. The base face shape also is taken in consideration when deciding to add facial hair like beards, mustaches and even sideburns. For women, the face shape determines make up styles and brow shapes.
Pimples or acne is due to an over activity and plugging of the oil glands. More than 90% of teenagers have some acne. Acne usually lasts until age 20 or even 25. It is rare for acne to leave any scars, and people worry needlessly about this. Oily skin is caused by the over secretion of oily glands, located in the underlayers of the skin. The skin type is not necessarily bad since it is less prone to wrinkling and others signs of aging. The negative aspect of this skin type is that oily complexions are especially susceptible to clogged pores leading to acne and blackheads.
When dirt, bacteria contaminates the oil secreting glands (sebaceous glands), body's immune system reacts against the bacteria trapped in the pores. This causes inflammation and pimples get red and swollen.
How to prevent and treat acne
1,Skin problems happen to everyone. They are unavoidable. And pimples erupt on nearly everyone's face at some time. A healthy diet, a fit body, emotional tranquility and good care routing will contribute towards clearer skin.
2, You shouldn't pick your face. Picking can lead to infections and scarring, which may stay on your face forever.
3, Go lightly on cosmetics and you will not clog the facial pores and aggravate the skin condition.
4, Avoid fried and fatty foods in general. Take plenty of oral fluids.
5, Wash your skin twice a day and after exercise. The most important time to wash is bedtime. Use a mild soap and warm water. This will prevent dirt from plugging the pores of your sebaceous glands and keep your face clean.
6, If acne doesn't clear up using over-the-counter creams and washing, try acne-clearing creams. Before you use any acne cream, it is important to pick the right kind of soap for your skin. Use a soap that is not acidic and does not contain oil. There are specific soaps meant to treat acne, but some of these may be too strong for your skin.
7, Creams that contain benzoyl peroxide have different strengths. The higher strengths will dry up your skin. Start with a cream with a low percent, and if it doesn't work, try one with a higher percent. These creams will not moisturize your skin, So remember to use a cream and a moisturizer.
Benzoyl Peroxide (5 to 10%) is one of the most effective and widely used drugs in acne. But it may cause excessive drying of skin and contact sensitization. Retinoic Acid, a varient of vatmin A is a potent comedolytic. It is used as a 0.025 to 0.05% cream. If the pinples are reddened, topical antibiotics such as clindamycin, tetracyline etc are used. Salicylic Acid, Azilaic Acid etc are also used.
The oil glands on your face form sebum, an oily substance. When sebum blocks your pores underneath your skin, whiteheads are formed.Blackheads are formed when pores has pushed through to the outside of your skin. Unfortunately, blackheads are very hard to prevent because of the skin's constant sebum production and cell turnover.
Blackheads are the plugs found in blocked oil glands. They should be treated with benzoyl peroxide 5% lotion or gel. This lotion is also excellent for removing thickened skin that blocks the openings to oil glands. Use the lotion as described above for pimples. Washing with a salicylic acid cleanser will temporarily remove pore-clogging debris and surface oil. Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) are also a good first line of defense. They gently exfoliate skin to prevent cells from building up and clogging pores. A series of glycolic peels can also help.
There is no permanent solution for getting rid of blackheads, but a consistent skincare routine can help keep them under control. Don't pick at or try to squeeze them with your fingers, as you run the risk of infection and scarring.
While it’s important to maintain healthy, beautiful teeth, you won’t get that pout of perfection if you fail to properly care for your lips. Lips are one of the most exposed areas of skin, yet they have an extremely thin outer layer and few sebaceous glands.Extreme weather can also lead to chapped and flaking lips.
Papaya contains exfoliating enzymes and can help to soften and refine lip lines. Mash a quarter of a ripe papaya until it makes a juicy paste. Then, lie down on a towel and apply a generous amount to the lips and the skin around the lips. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes, rinse it off and apply lip balm.
If you are going to hotter climes, remember that lips contain no melanin and can quickly become badly burnt without protection. The most important step you is to protect your lips from the sun. Lip balms with sunscreen should be applied a ½ hour prior to sun exposure. The best protection against sun damage is a water resistant lip balm that keeps lips moist and has an SPF of 15 or higher. To keep lips supple, exfoliate them gently with a soft toothbrush.