Hair is an integral part of a beautiful figure. So, like any other parts of the human body, hair cannot be neglected. Medical treatments and nutritional products may help in better hair care.
For thick, strong glossy hair the roots must be firm and scalp healthy and well nourished. Nutrients are key to healthy hair, but to be effective they must reach the roots. Nutrients taken in are more important in hair care than those applied topically. A balanced diet rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, especially iron, magnesium, zinc, Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C as well as essential fatty acids is essential for healthy hair. Vitamin enriched shampoo nourishes your hair.
Inositol is vital for hair growth. Vitamin C aids in improving scalp circulation. It is important to maintain capillaries that carry blood to the follicles. Vitamin E increases oxygen uptake, which improves circulation to the scalp. Two amino acids believed to improve quality, texture, and growth of hair is L-Cysteine and L-methionine. Essential fatty acids improve hair texture and prevent dry, brittle hair.
Summer is when we encounter the highest percentage of damaged hair, some of it beyond repair. Spending a lot of quality time outdoors during summer season makes your hair look frazzled and frizzy.
These few tips should see you well through the summer and leave you with fond memories instead of bitter tales.
1, Shampoos can help remove some of the dirt residing on the hair shaft.
2, Massage some of your sunscreen into your hair if you don’t find a suitable shampoo.
3, Try using coconut oil if you are not intending to use sunscreens.
4, If you are at the pool daily you will need to invest in a special shampoo to control chlorine.
5, You can also try soaking your hair in tomato juice, capping it and letting it sit on the hair for about twenty minutes, then rinse, shampooing, rinsing, and conditioning the hair.
Normally around fifty to seventy hairs fall per day. But if the number is more, consult your dermatologist. Hair falling may increase due to ill health and inadequate nutrition. Stress is also a major cause for hair loss.
The inadequate nutrition of a person may be due to two reasons:
a) improper digestion and b) lack of balanced diet. Hair loss occurs when the diet is inadequate in the B vitamins - especially B6, biotin, inositol and folic acid; and the minerals magnesium, sulfur and zinc. Anemia is one of the most frequent causes of hair loss.
Vitamin B Rich Food
Vitamin B Complex contains a group of water soluble vitamins. Thiamine is surplus in unpolished rice, pulses and green vegetables. Egg and meat are the good animal sources. Riboflavine is the yellow enzyme of is abundant in liver, milk , egg and green leafy vegetables. Liver, fish, meat, nuts and pulses are rich sources of niacin. Dietary sources of Pyridoxine and Pantothenic acid are liver, meat, egg, soyabean and vegitables. Biotin is present in egg yolk, nuts and liver.
Broken hair is also due to improper nutrition. The ways to prevent broken hair are:
1, Take nutrient rich food. Eat plenty of iron-rich foods, like liver, meat, whole grain cereals, green leafy vegetables, eggs, dates, and raisins.
2, Avoid exposure to high temperature.
3, Manage to trim off your split ends.
4, Avoid any sort of strain on the hair like rubber bands.
5, Do not back comb or comb in the wet hair.
Dandruff is a scalp infection. It is the dead scalp cells coming off in flakes. If not treated in time it may also affect your skin. Severe dandruff causes even hair loss. In that case medical practitioner should be consulted.
Heredity, environment, diet, greasy scalp etc. are some of the causes of dandruff. Remedies for dandruff are:
1, Wash your comb regularly with antiseptic lotions, especially whenever you wash your hair.
2, Avoid sharing of combs.
3, Brush hair before shampooing.
4, Use medicated shampoo. The main anti-dandruff agents are Selenium sulfide 2.5%, Zinc pyrithione 1%, Ketoconazole 2%, Clotrimazole 1% and sometimes Steroids and Amoniated Mercury. It is important to check for any of these ingredients before you buy a anti-dandruff shampoo.
Girls’ hair styles are commonly more elaborate and more complicated than boys’ styles. Girls can have short, medium or long hairs depending on their face shape , complexion and dress code. One style that girls have worn, although the popularity has varied over time has been ringlet curls. Long hair is highly prized and considered to be very important to any young woman.